
Shoebox Revolution Flyer

Download this flyer for your donation drive here
Or this more printer friendly black and white version here


We are so excited that you’ve taken the first steps in donating to Shoebox Revolution! As you can see above, we’ve given you a few ideas of things to donate. We accept individual items and fully made care packages. We can add any extra items to your contribution if they are needed.

Make your care packages in shoeboxes, backpacks, enviro bags, hand bags or anything that can carry all of the items listed above.

To make a donation, please check the Collection Points page to find your closest drop off location or contact us via email.


Fundraising Options

We are a registered charity with the Australian Charities and Not-For-profits Comission (ACNC) with Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) Status and authority to fundraise.

If you would like to donate money to our cause, you may do so via the following direct deposit details.

Direct Deposit Details:

Bank Account Name – Shoebox Revolution

BSB Number – 633 000

Account Number – 162 556 633


Please email donate [at] shoeboxrevolution [dot] com with the reference details of your donation if you require a tax receipt.